Let's Talk Thursday | Pam Singh Studio
This Year Was Big! - Let's Talk Thursday, VOL. 110
"A huge thank you to you for being there for me, loving me and accepting me for being the creative that I am".
Top 7 Tips For New Art Collectors - Let's Talk Thursday, VOL. 109
"Are you buying something that you love and you want purely because you think it’s great?
How To Write An Artist Bio & Statement - Let's Talk Thursday, VOL. 108
"What's the difference between an Artist Biography and an Artist Statement You're about to find out!" -
“OPEN YOUR EYES” Duo Exhibit - Let's Talk Thursday, VOL. 107
"The show focuses on bringing out the beauty in our nature, surroundings and our self being". -
"Importance of having a 'Signature Style' for your art" - Let's Talk Thursday
"Unfortunately, many artists are unable to fully recognize their unique skills because they are intensely absorbed in their creative process". -
Learn The Process Of Creating Cohesive Body Of Work - Let's Talk Thursday
Have you ever wondered on how to put together a collection of work that is more cohesive and you can call it your own signature style?
“Finding Your Own Art Style & Producing Work With Consistency” - Let's Talk Thursday
"It gives me so much joy to actually share this with someone like you who really wants to learn and grow as an Artist..." -
Introducing The Blog - Let's Talk Thursday
"My blog series "Lets Talk Thursday" will share interesting experiences I have had in my journey till date as a Fine Artist and Designer, along with lot of information about different things of Art and Design, what to do and what not to do in the Art world, stories from different Artists etc...